ABC News: New transparency law aims to deter multinational tax avoidance
ABC news reports on the new, and game changing, tax transparency laws passed in Australia at the end of 2024, quoting CICTAR’s Jason Ward on the implications of the new legislation
‘End of the party’
CICTAR’s Livi Gerbase writes about the implications of Australian legislation on tax transparency for Brazil
Australia Walks Its Own Path on Public CbC Reporting
Leading industry publication ‘Taxnotes’ reports on the new tax transparency legislation brought in by Australia, following extensive lobbying by CICTAR, PSI, Union allies and civil society.
Financial Times: Australia raises pressure on multinationals with strict tax disclosure law
Reporting from the Financial Times (quoting CICTAR) on Australia’s approval for the world’s strictest tax disclosure laws for multinational companies, forcing them to reveal details of their finances in dozens of jurisdictions
CICTAR’s Jason Ward talks to Tax Justice Norway about tax transparency and corporate resistance (watch)
CICTAR’s Jason Ward talks to Tax Justice Norway about tax transparency and how corporations lobby for secrecy and resist change
‘Australia set to take on the cockroaches of multinational tax chicanery’
Australia to take on the cockroaches of mulitnational tax chicanery
EU Tax Observatory analysis on Australia’s new corporate transparency rules
EU Tax Observatory analysis of Australia’s tax transparency legislation
Australian biotech company CSL accused of shifting $5bn in revenue to Switzerland
CSL appear to be ducking taxes while lobbying against greater transparency; Herald Sun
PwC urged Labor to delay multinational tax transparency laws, Senate submissions reveal
Can Governments afford to continue listening to the voices of vested interest on tax transparency?
Albanese promised to enact multinational tax measures. Nothing’s happened
Can Governments afford to continue listening to the voices of vested interest on tax transparency?
OECD pressed Australia to drop plan to reveal where multinationals pay tax
OECD pressed Australia to drop plans to reveal where multinationals pay tax
Multinationals ‘have fought off laws to boost tax transparency’
Multinationals have fought off laws to boost transparency