‘End of the party’

CICTAR researcher, Livi Gerbase, reflects on the implications of new Australian legislation for Brazil in the national publication ‘Carta Capital' 
Livi writes: 
'The walls are closing on multinationals. After decades of total lack of control over their activities, reflected in the fact that they paid few taxes, International cooperation has advanced in recent years to ensure they meet their tax obligations...
'The latest news in the fight against tax abuse has a national character and
comes from the other side of the world. After years of
campaigning by unions and society civil law, legislation approved by the Australian Parliament at the end of November will require multinationals with a significant presence in the country to  publicly declare  paid taxes, profits, the number of workers and
other financial information in a wide list of tax havens' 
The article examines some of the potential benefits to Brazil, with several large companies, such as the food giant JBS, operating in both countries,  the public data  will help authorities around the world identify abuses and hold companies accountable. 

ABC News: New transparency law aims to deter multinational tax avoidance


The Post coverage of CICTAR Methanexit report